Policy for Temporary Workers, Volunteers, Interns, Consultants and Contractors
11. TEMPORARY WORKERS, VOLUNTEERS, INTERNS, CONSULTANTS, and CONTRACTORS: From time to time the departmental workloads may call for extra help. This extra help may come from temporary workers, volunteers, interns, consultants, contractors, or other departments. When outside resources such as temporary workers, interns, contractors, or consultants are used, they must make extraordinary efforts to communicate that status to all parties they are interacting with. This is to prevent the appearance that an entity is working with an employee instead of a temporary worker or contractor.
If given login credentials, or an email address, on the City’s domain a suffix will be added to the user name. As an example if John Smith is a new temporary worker and needs domain and email access. The preferred method will be to use Department Name. Status as the username and email address. As an example, if the Human Resources Department needed a temp with domain privileges, that logon would be hr.temp and the email address would be hr.temp@palmspringsca.gov. If multiple addresses and logons are needed for a department a number shall be added to the username. Thus hr.temp, hr.temp2, and hr.temp3 would be in use if three users were expected. If a scenario arises where a name must be used, the Department Head may request this need from the IT Director and explain the requirement for a deviation from the standard. If approved, a temporary or contract worker may utilize their name in the account information. There will still be a suffix needed to differentiate the account from an employee account. As an example, if John Smith became a temporary worker, his username will be jsmith-t and his email address will be john.smith-t@palmspringsca.gov.
Additionally, all temporary workers, volunteers, interns, consultants, and contractors must designate their status in their email signature as well as their voicemail message, if those items are provided. As an example, John Smith’s signature would have a line that looks like the following:
John Smith - a temporary worker for The City of Palm Springs
HR Department
3200 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
(760) 322-1234
The voicemail greeting would say, “Thank you for calling The City of Palm Springs, you have reached John Smith, a temporary worker with the XXX Department.”
If privileged access is needed, support should be requested from Information Technology to provide that access. At no time shall any temporary workers, interns, contractors, or consultants, be provided with the credentials of an employee in lieu of creating a designated logon.